Customizable pants for schools in Capoeira Angola and Regional in order to have a model embroidered with the effgie of your academy.
Bōa offers traditional Capoeira pants with a straight cut as well as more modern abadas, there are different models to adapt to the needs of each academy for adults and children.
All of our Abadas de Capoeira are available in different colors and can be personalized using screen printing, embroidery or sublimation for designs that cannot be changed over time.
The pants can be offered in Polyamide a traditional fabric or in polyester an ideal fabric for sport because resistant and easy to maintain, it also makes it possible to carry out sublimation.
To equip you with outfits bearing the image of your club, we provide our know-how to design unique pieces for different sporting disciplines such as Grappling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), MMA, Capoeira , Wrestling, Judo and many other combat sports.
If you want tailor-made sports equipment to outfit your club and your students, nothing could be simpler: simply click on "Contact" at the bottom of the page to tell us about your future project and obtain additional information such as as a quote, a model or examples of our creations.
Customizable pants for schools in Capoeira Angola and Regional in order to have a model embroidered with the effgie of your academy.